Felix Halim Saja Pakai Server Blogger

Wow keren juga tulisan Felix Halim berikut:

Gak sengaja sih nemuin tulisannya. Felix sekarang bekerja di Lembah Silikon Moutain View merupakan teman Ainun Najib yang lagi viral dipanggil Jokowi untuk kembali ke Indonesia.

Felix menuliskan pengalamannya memindahkan server webnya ke server Blogger. Berikut tulisannya:

"Believe it or not, this site is hosted on Blogger!

I just realized how customizable Blogger theme is. It allows you to edit the entire layout (using xml that allows you to "program" the html and css). I managed to keep the iconic header of my site, and use an existing theme for the contents and navigations.

Back in year 2000, I wrote PHP script for my site connecting to MySQL database to store the posts and comments. I was 18 years younger back then and had plenty of time to code. The problem is, sometimes I will need to migrate the site to another server and I don't have the time. I was thinking to convert it to a static site so that server migration will be as simple as copy-pasting (no database setup needed), but still converting the layout is a painful experience.. Do I have to copy paste the header and footer to all the pages? Then there is this idea of using Angular to create a static bundle like how the angular.io site is built for the tutorials and docs, and host the comments in Firebase, but as I said, I don't have the time to build it. There has to be a better way...

I decided to take a chance of migrating my site to Blogger (it has been around for almost 20 years now and there's no sign of being shutdown). The offered functionalities are basic, but I did try including a <script> tag and it runs. I think I can do a lot fancy stuffs with it. Nowadays, static sites (that can run Javascript) can pretty much do anything by calling API to other servers.

I will gradually migrate my old contents to this site as I have the time ..."

Wah ternyata selama ini aku sejalan dia. Jika Felix sudah menggunakan server Blogger selama 20 tahun, aku menggunakan sejak 2007, hitung sendiri deh berapa lama itu hehe.

Kita semua pada tahu Blogger milik raksasa Google. Tentunya banyak memberikan kelebihan dan fasilitas. Diantara, space yang besar, kemampuan editing HTM-nya dan terjangkau kantong

Bagi pemilik web, kecepatan akses sangat penting daripada tampilan yang memikat.

Selamat mencoba.

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