Thieves in School

Some schools have been visited by a thief (in September 2008), among others; 1. Saint Marry 2 of Malang (the stolen goods Asus Lamborghini, camera, hp) 2. SMUK St. Albertus (1 student notebooks) 3. SMPN 5 (2 students notebooks) Thieves are expected at school, because it has the same features as follows: 1. Body slightly plump (slow path) 2. White 3. Height of about 170-175 cm 4. Short straight hair 5. Wearing a jacket and a backpack 6. Type motorcycle sport red Yamaha Vixion Theft as the motive in the SMPK St. Mary 2: the gym teacher of claim Bali junior high school are invited to compete basketball among students. If you see people with these characteristics immediately arrested and handed to the police station. See the picture thief cctv camera recorded the smpk st. maria 2